Love, Joy, Peace...
Welcome to DMI Toronto!
Introducing our very own DMI Toronto App. Your portal for our latest videos, announcements, events, and devotionals. Right at the tip of your fingers! DMI - Toronto meets every Sunday 2:30 pm @1530 Birchmount Rd, Unit 7, Scarborough, ON.
CrossOver Weekend on December 2-3
Join us for an exciting weekend of encountering God, yourself, and others. Set in the picturesque grounds of Muskoka Bible Centre, all fees include meals for the weekend. Departure time from Toronto is 5 a.m. on Dec. 2nd. Return to TO is 3 p.m.
Sunday Gathering, November 12, 2023 (Click on the Photo)
God wants us to build Him a habitation because he wants to fellowship with humanity. We should be careful with what we build with and how we build with.

Visit our FB page for more videos:
Freshly updated playlist you can take with you when you are doing whatever it is you do during the week. Just download Spotify (it's free) and you can play our favorite songs wherever, whenever :)
Mark your family present for today's events
Word-to-go, Romans 12:1-2
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Tithes and Offerings
Giving is a matter of allegiance, not just abundance. It is not about giving back but giving thanks.

To give online, please send your Interac money transfer to

How Can We Pray for You?
Tell us about your prayer requests.
Joke of the Week
Click on the picture to find this week's joke.
About This Webpage/App
Welcome to our mobile-friendly website/app. Sections include:

Announcements - what's on in DMI Toronto

Sunday Gathering- video link to last Sunday's worship, fellowship, and word.

DMI Toronto Songs- link to our Spotify curated playlist that you can use for personal worship during the week

How Can We Pray for You?- Portal to submit prayer requests.

Tithes and Offerings- Information on how to give online

Joke of the Week- Jokes or illustrations from the sermon this week